Chelwood Gate, The Swimming Bath, Isle Of Thorns Camp 1950
Photo ref: C76038X
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A Selection of Memories from Chelwood Gate

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chelwood Gate

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I like these old photos of this site in Chelwood Gate, which I believe is known as Isle of Thorns ?. I visited Chelwood Gate in 1998 whilst attending Downsview Primary, this was when England were playing Argentina at World Cup 98. I can still just about remember the sports hall and the sleeping room. Can also remember a swamp or pond that was nearby as well, unless I'm getting that mixed up with something else. Was a decent trip. E Turan.
It was in the 1950's I was at Old Oak junior school E.Acton when i went on the trip,there was old army barracks there all in a line along the path into the camp,and the entrance had gates.I used to get chocolate from the tuck shop there with money my family sent me.We used to go into the woods and study leaves from different trees and put them in an exercise book,and we were awarded a shield if we ...see more
I remember a weeks holiday with mr clements walking through the woods to the local shop to buy our sweets and bottles of cydrax it was a marvellous time and one istill remember fondly
I was looking at a map of the area, and the mention of Chelwood Gate and the Isle of Thorns, brought back vivid memories of the camp. I was there with the school two summers running in 1957 and 1958, I think. I remember the huts, the sports hall and the swimming pool together with beautiful countryside running into the Ashdown Forest. I recall there were many rabbits there ,albeit that most of them ...see more