Chichester, Royal West Sussex Hospital c.1965
Photo ref: C84139
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Memories of Chichester, Royal West Sussex Hospital c1965

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Chichester, Royal West Sussex Hospital c.1965

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I attended school in Chichester at St. John's school on East street. I went there from 1947 until 1951. I have many fond memories of my days there; great teachers, my first girlfriend Lesley and the bus ride home to Emsworth.
My late mother Isabelle Grainger (1925-2010) worked at the Royal West Sussex Hospital during the late 1940s early 1950s as secretary to the Matron Miss E.S. Parkinson (later Mrs Buckwell). Whilst working at the hospital my mother met a wonderful friend Brenda Arnell who had trained as an SRN at the hospital. Ms Arnell was later to become my godmother. Sue Tanner
I trainee from 1959 to1962, and loved every moment great days happy so surname was Pickett,and I married Michael Jones,who was a junior doctor,but sadly he died in 1978 . Would love to hear from any one who was at the hospital when I trained?
In 1952-1956 I trained at RWSH & obtained SRN & then went to Cambridge for midwifery training. After that emigrated to Canada worked there & also USA. Worked as a nurse in San Francisco & New York. I often think of the days & nights spent working at Royal West Sussex Hospital. I would like to get in touch with anyone who remembers me. Sheila McConnell.