Larkswood Pool
A Memory of Chingford.
Although I have put 1961 for this shared memory, any year between 1959 and 1966 would fit the bill, because I used to be there most days from early morning till late, from early May till early September when the pool shut.
I went to New Road School and was in Mr Hethrington's class, I hated it, then went on to Wellington Ave (Welly Boots), where I made friends with so many girls, I wish I could get in touch with some of them.
We would spend hours over Larkswood, not just in the water, but up on the 'bank' with our packed lunch and a drink, usually Mum had given my sister Kathleen and myself sixpence to spend in the shop, she was glad to get us out of the way for hours on end I think.
My good friend Christine lived just across the road from the pool and I would knock for her on a school day and often meet her again after school over in the pool with a crowd of boys from Welly Boots, where are they all now I wonder?
Wonderful memories, my eldest sister Audrey taught me swim on the 'bottom step' when I was about 3 years old, then I progressed to the 'island', then around it, I was very young but could swim well for my age, she was glad to get me swimming so I would leave her and her friends alone while they chatted up the boys.
10 years on and it was me chatting up the boys, I thought I had met the love of my life there, like so many others in my group.
Where are you now, Bob?
It makes me sad to think that wonderful place was left in ruins for many years, but I am happy to see it a thriving place again.
I don't get to Chingford much now, most of my family have moved away, I live in Spain on the Costa Blanca, and have my own pool, but Larkswood Pool and the woods around it will always remain a very happy memeory for me and my family.
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Where are the boys of the 50s and 60s from Wellington Avenue who would hang out at Larkswood Pool all summer long? Well you've found one - and my name is Bob.
Now obviously I have checked my memory for any Sheila, Audrey and Katherine Wright and I'm sorry to say that I don't think I can be the right Bob. Still, I also went to New Road as well as Wellington Avenue. has many names from those years as well as my pictures of Larkswood Pool from school days. Have you tried looking for the real Bob there?
Like you I learned to swim between the edge of the pool and the island. Luckily I had no fear and just walked in and swam away. What I didn't like was the often freezing cold water and the horrible cold showers you had to try to squeeze around to get into the pool area - but the hill could be hot on good days. Walking up the hot path towards the grass your wet footsteps would dry behind you.
I seem to have spent most of my days in Larkswood and the pool. The woods are different now. The trees have grown taller and the dense bushes and shrubs where we used to build dens and cook spuds taken from the larder have all gone. Actually, I think we helped this in some way since we did accidentally set fire to the wood once. There wasn't much damage - only a bush or two - but did we run! There used to be a "woody" who had a hut near the main path - a nice quiet job, most of the time.
Robert (Bob if you like).