Whitethorn Morris Dance At The 2007 Chippenham Folk Festival

A Memory of Chippenham.

It rained. It truly rained absolutely all day. Although Whitethorn Morris were booked for three dance spots in the street plus an Arena show there was no chance whatever for either the dancers or musicians of the Whitethorn Band to perform as planned. We took shelter where we could, standing in doorways, shopping mall entrances and we finally took refuge at The Gladstone Arms where the landlord had a marquee in his courtyard. Here we shared a small dance venue with four other "sides" and managed one dance on the wet stone slabs. Sadly one of our lovely dancers - Sue - took a fall in the slippery conditions and needed first aid. Everything was simply too wet!

Why does it always rain for the Chippenham Folk Festival!! The Festival organisers arranged for an alternative venue to the sodden Arena so we moved on to the Sports Centre. The band took up position with the microphones by the stage and the red white and blue dancers took the centre of the sports hall floor. We danced Colne Royal, the Hindley Street Dance and finally finished with our "signature dance" which we call the Scarlet and the Blue. It went well and the acoustics in the huge sports hall were magnificent. There was a good crowd to watch us - or maybe shelter from the rain outside!  

Whitethorn Morris have danced at the Chippenham Folk Festival on many occasions going back to the early 1980's at which time it was usual to move on to Lacock village on the Bank Holiday Monday. I don't think I can remember a hot sunny Festival ever - but 2007 was certainly the wettest. The dancers' blue dresses turned dark navy blue in the rain, the drum sounded dull and damp, and the bellows of my accordian got so wet that they needed to dry out for days afterwards. The good news is that Sue's finger injury was not serious and she will be well enough to dance with us at Wimborne Folk Festival in two weeks time - and maybe play her melodeon too!  So, looking at this view of Chippenham evokes memories of rain, rain and more rain!

Added 30 May 2007


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