I Used To Come From South Manchester To St Oswald's Church With My Mum &Dad 1967ish

A Memory of Collyhurst.

I remember coming from the other side of Manchester because my Mum and Dad (Betty & Dennis Turner - Dad was lay reader in the church for that time). I was for that time only 8 years old. I remember the school next to the church. The children used to go for a day out across to Broad Oak Primary School which was my school. I remember the church being very cold! My mum and Dad used to run a Bible club on one evening a week. It was a good experience for me as a child as I remember Collyhurst being quite run down. I remember going Carol singing in the flats and a lot of us got stuck in the lift. I remember the Columbines, didn't one or two of them sing in the choir? I also remember the houses starting to be knocked down and people were still living in them. I did a sponsored walk across Manchester for that church and there was a fish and chip supper at the end of it. Although I did not live there Collyhurst has a part in my heart. I sorry but I cannot remember a lot of names unless you can remember us.

Added 22 March 2014


Comments & Feedback

Hi Heather, lovely to hear your positive memories. My dad was Rector at the time and I remember you and your siblings, 2?, Graham? Not so great memories for me. Happy to share privately.

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