
A Memory of Corby.

I remember going to get groceries from a shop called Perks (think was the name). It had those green and white (or black) mosaic tiles on the walls. Old fashioned scales, and I always loved the SPAM they sold! I seem to remember one of the girls I had gone to Infant and Junior School with (Our Ladys RC), got a job there and all the staff wore immaculate white overalls and hats. I also remember going to the Co-op and the newsagents at the very end of the shop parade which had a sub post office inside (cannot recall the name). I lived in Lodge Green Road, so it was only a few minutes walk to the shops there. I am looking forward to a nostalgic trip to Corby next week, as it has been about 15 years since my last visit, and I have been told by my brother that many changes have been made to Corby since then.

Added 13 June 2012


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that post office newsagent was called Cories....i remember walkers a liitke further down...Old man walker has liquorice sticks and jars of boiled lollies... wrapped things in brown paper tied with string.....i lived on westfields around the corner from lodge green...i knew Tom wilkinson from there and The Tew family from the Grove...enjoy your next visit home....its been a whikle for me ..I now live in Canberra Australia
we lived here in the last 70.s. we lived in that corner newshop/post office. it was called forboys then. mrs lines was a lovely happy lady who I remember worked with my parents. I remember going to the infant school at the top of the road opposite the bigger school ( samual loyds maybe? ). going to play down in the wessy and catching tadpoles in the stream in the woods. but my best memory was playing on the trains left in the wessy by the steel works. playing curby outside our shop, my dad revering into the garage one night in his triumph 2000 tc. mark freelands living in the road opposite our shop. paul and david living round the corner in the cul-der-sack. putting my action men into their vehicle and tying them to the back of my bike with some string and riding round the pavements. god I really did like living here even though it was for just a short while.

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