An Evacuee Remembers

A Memory of Farncombe.

A South Londoner, I was 12+ when WWII started in September 1939. I was evacuated with Wandsworth Central School to Farncombe, and remember sitting on the floor in a large hall waiting for someone to 'adopt' me. Eventually, I found myself with the Gorringe family who were the local Builders, Decorators, Undertakers etc, in Hare Lane. I have nothing but very happy memories of my time with them which lasted until 1942, when I returned to my parents back in Wandsworth. This was to a new home, for the old one had been destoyed by bombs. I have nothing left of my childhood except memories and one book. With the Gorringes, I was treated like the fourth son of the family - the junior of Bertram, Keith and Stanley, the three existing sons. In Farncombe, I saw apples growing on a tree, I went ice skating on Broadwater Lake and tobogganing on Bunkers Hill, all firsts in my life. I have many memories of Eddy Leroy, the son of the then boathouse owner on the Wey at Catteshall (I think). Eddy ran the Sunday Kings Own Bible class, and used to take us on river trips in canoes and punts, and also on exciting games in Compton Caves which were nearby. I did my first and only paper round in Farncombe for WH Smith, which entailed delivering around the Charterhouse Area. I also had to collect the weekly money, and remember getting into a first class mess the first time I did it. Our schooling was almost non existent to start with, but eventually we were housed in the Technical College in Meadrow. A year or two later moving across the road to an existing school. I was a useful footballer and cricketer, and played for my school at cricket against a Charterhouse eleven and can remember scoring twenty eight runs. I also played a few football matches for what was I believe, Farncombe & Godalming FC. I probably played only because, most of the usual players were militarily engaged. Mr Wright, who was something to do with the football club, was also the owner of the Chemists at the corner of Hare Lane and Fern Rd, and I worked for him in the shop on a very part time basis. I can remember helping to make face powder, and serving in the shop. I experienced many happy visits to the County cinema at the Meadrow end of Hare Lane, but I know this no longer exists. Hours were spent in the recreation ground in Lower Manor Rd and I was very friendly with the man employed (presumably by the Council)to keep things tidy. I must have collected up tons of leaves. It was in this rec that I saw some luscious apples on a tree, in the back garden of a house fronting Wolseley Rd,and I promptly went scrumping only to get caught by the occupants! The man was the local Rector, and as Mr Gorringe was a Church Warden, I was expecting to get into very hot water. In the end, I got a small reprimand, and never stole again. I remember very few of the friends I made in Farncombe, but I do remember a couple of the girls - one was Lorna (surname unknown) who lived in The Circle or The Oval and also Eileen Sawyer who lived in More Road. I have been back to Farncombe on a couple of occasions, but it has changed so much that I was very disappointed. It is no longer the quiet village I knew, but is all hustle and bustle - presumably the result of the Motor Car age. Sadly, all the Gorringes I knew have passed on,and I am grateful that I stayed in touch and was able to thank them for what they did for me. I do occasionally email a grand-daughter of Mr & Mrs Gorringe who lives in Canada. I would like to say thankyou to Farncombe and its people, for giving me such happy memories and making me welcome when I was temporarily parted from my family. If anyone remembers me or those I have mentioned, I would be thrilled to hear from them.

Added 24 April 2012


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