Glenboig Nicknames

A Memory of Glenboig.

Hi, I've put together a list of Glenboig nicknames - can you add to it? Here is a small selection of the nicknames. If you would like a copy of over 80+ Glenboig Nicknames, please send me an email. Also,i f you have any old photo's of Glenboig, would love to hear from you.

Glenboig Nicknames - Surname (where known):
Buckle Wallace
Biff Caddle
Boxer Burns
Buck Cassidy
Bunks Burns
Bunty Cowie
Button Cairns
Choopsie Condron
Cissie Bothwell
Curly Watson
Chumper Branigan
CoCo Moreland
Count McCormick
Donger Mallon
Duck Riley
Doo Cassidy
Dinny Boyle
Dozy Currans
Dolly Flood
DooDoo Dinardo
Dumplin Reid
Edil Wallace

Added 08 April 2013


Comments & Feedback

Ping rielly. gogsy gorman boodie bolger chalky bolger brassie morrison
Tarzan Cowie
Hexy Fowler
Ian "Bugsy" McGillivray, with whom I had a totally unfounded long running feud, until I whacked him with a fence post one day, scarred him for life, unintentionally you understand!
Two more I can think of Winkie Ellis and punk mcdade
Jumbo Cowie
Cissie Campbell Bothwell - my aunt - real name Elizabeth - Cissie may have originated from being a sister - remember my Granny calling her Bessie
Stump Campbell - my uncle - real name John - had one arm thus the name - he was in an accident as a child with a bogie from the clay pit which resulted in his losing his arm
Doodie Di-Nardo was Alfredo Di-Nardo, my dad's uncle. He was the son of Antonio who had the chip shop on the main street
Doodie was my uncle he spent his working life driving buses for carmichaels highland bus company out of green foot we lived at 81 main st in the village many happy mamories playing for the boys guild football team

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