Grays, The Basin c.1960
Photo ref: G85058
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A Selection of Memories from Grays

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Grays

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I was born in 1942 in Hathaway Rd at my Nan's. We moved to Milton road. When small I remember the house being damaged by the rocket that fell in the pit. Later playing on the bomb site in Cromwell Road. Went to Quarry Hill school, remember standing in London Road waving at Queen Mum who had visited the flood victims in Tilbury. When I married in 1967 we moved to Stanford le Hope.
David Greig was opposite the Queen's Hotel, next door was Boots the Chemist, then Sydney Greys the electrical and TVs etc. This is where I bought my first guitar. Just opposite was Pains, a little farther on was Bastiani's ice cream parlour, then M&S and Woolworths. The old railway crossing had a signal box, so when a train came, the signal man had a large wheel he had to turn to open and close ...see more
any one remember david greig shop in the high st. or any of those who worked there in the late fiftys ;i i worked there ;mr. watson was the manager,daphne was head girl others were lorraine hull,pauline,gabrielle and the other boy lenard and me cyril chapman ; can anyone remember any more.if you are out there some where love to hear from you!!!
1970s juniors kiss chase with mandy Mayers mr fishers class wow life isn't fair