My Mum. Grays, Essex.

A Memory of Grays.

My mum's family came from Elm Road and my grandad (nickname "Ocker" Salmon) was (I believe) fairly well known, as he had a greengrocery round that he did by horse and cart, then I believe he had a greengrocer shop round the corner from where he lived. I am not certain of the year he did this? He had a riding school some years later down past Manor Road, at the back of the train lines. I just had to visit the overgrown yard a few months ago and it brought back all kind of memories. My mum (Daisy) always took me to Grays High Street to do her shopping (was it Tesco?). Some weekends we would go round the old Grays market and all I could smell was fish and crabs. After we would go in a cafe near the market where I would sit on a high stool and have a milkshake. There was a shop called Joys which was just round the corner. I believe the pub was near the market, was it called the Kings Arms? We use to go to the cinema (the State or the Ritz) and pay about 1/6d to get in. I think it was 1/6d? There we would get popcorn or icecream off the lady who paraded up and down the aisle. She would have one of those trays in front of her with a selection of goodies on it. The tray was supported by a strap going round her shoulders (if I remember correctly?). As we lived in Tilbury, we had to catch the bus home. It didn't have doors, just an open platform and a long bar (which was useful if you had to run for the bus, as you could grab onto the pole and lever youself on). The buses had a silver cigarette stubber at the back of each seat, and I think the butts ended up on the floor. I can still remember the bus conducter lady with her blonde hair in a very high bun, and the sound of her ticket machine as she produced a ticket for you. I can still visualize my dear mum standing in the High Streett with her soft dark curly hair and her posh black coat that had this fur collar. These are some of my memories of being a kid with my dear mum. My mum worked at a launderette in approximately 1948 (she was about 16 then), but I do not know whereabouts this launderette was in Grays. Does anyone remember where this was?

Added 14 November 2010


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My name is William Sanderson lived in Boscome ave.Grays Essex.the photo of the our bus in high street waiting at traffic light before turning in to Clareance road.was take before 1955.rememmber our buses disappeared around 1948.because Eastern London transport took over run from grays to Tilbury Dock and had ticket collectors on did Eastern National took over Blackshots route.
My name is William Sanderson lived in Boscome ave.Grays Essex.the photo of the our bus in high street waiting at traffic light before turning in to Clareance road.was take before 1955.rememmber our buses disappeared around 1948.because Eastern London transport took over run from grays to Tilbury Dock and had ticket collectors on did Eastern National took over Blackshots route.
i am cyril chapman i lived in lenthall ave. in the late 40/60/we called him arri ocker wel one day in the 1940s. i was about 6years old and around the corner in wallace rd. his horse fell over poor thing wether it recovered or not i dont know. went on to park school left in 1957 went to work in david greigs 12 high st. any one remember any one who worked there at that time??
i am cyril chapman i lived in lenthall ave. in the late 40/60/we called him arri ocker wel one day in the 1940s. i was about 6years old and around the corner in wallace rd. his horse fell over poor thing wether it recovered or not i dont know. went on to park school left in 1957 went to work in david greigs 12 high st. any one remember any one who worked there at that time??

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