Grayshott, Delivery Van, Headley Road 1930
Photo ref: 83008X
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A Selection of Memories from Grayshott

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Grayshott

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I remember this grand house as a private residence with many fond memories. The owners had Monkeys as pets in a huge cage in the grounds and wonderful horses. I lived for many years at the farm belonging to Grayshott Hall called Home Farm, before this I believe the farm was Bulls Farm. We spent many happy hours roaming around the gardens of the Big House and enjoying farm life. Does any one remember the Fetes that ...see more
Does anyone remember a place called Stoneyridge, Hill Road, Grayshott in the 1980s please? Or remember an old gentleman called Mr Bull who used to be a gardener?
i have only recently discovered this site, i love this photo it shows on the right of the picture in front of the ford (prefect or anglia i think) one of my dads family at what was then a.e.moore and sons the greengrocer. since the 60s the shop has been used for many things,(in 2007 when i did a visit to the uk from australia it was an art gallery,) ilove revisiting the area and look forward to purchasing a copy of the photo to identify more closely and put in my nostalgic collection