Great Bookham, Station Road 1924
Photo ref: 75383
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Memories of Great Bookham, Station Road 1924

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In 1924 my grandparents Charles and Maud Kleboe bought The Croft, Church Road. The Croft is the house with the For Sale sign. They bought it from Mrs Procter, the widow of Dr Procter, who was famous for visiting patients by car. The 1871 census shows a Dr Steadman and family living there. The census includes a resident coachman. The stables are still there behind The Croft. I lived there in the late 1940s/early fifties.
My grandparents, Maud and Charles Kleboe lived in The Croft with Great Auntie Kate (who lived to 101). My parents, Geoff and Phil Kleboe moved there in 1960's for 2 years and my mum took over running the dress shop known as Francis after Great Auntie Kate retired (she was still working in her 90's!) My parents were married in Gt Bookham Church and my maternal grandfather (Mr Jones) was a ...see more
This was the house of Great Aunt Kate (Kleboe) - where the local whist drives where held. My Aunt Phylis years later (1960s) had the dress shop almost next door.
I believe the house on the left behind the hedge is the Court. The Kleboe family lived here I think.