Great Holland, Ship Inn c.1955
Photo ref: G274007
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A Selection of Memories from Great Holland

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Great Holland

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I have just seen Christine's memories of this house I used to play with Christine and her sister Susan and we have lived in the new house since 1971 Miriam Wilson nee warren.
The house in the photo is where my mother, Ruby Bugg was born, it was later knocked down & new houses built there, we moved into one of the houses in 1959. My sister, friends & I would play & make daisy chains on the rectory meadow, & go bluebelling in the woods behind the church. Great childhood memories. I now live in Australia & have been here 30 years, but when I think of "home", its Great Holland I think of.
My Great grandfather Thomas Bareham lived at the Veldt Cottage which was next door to the Red Lion pub.He was also church warden at Great Holland Parish Church where he was well liked and respected. Although I live in Ipswich, I visit Great Holland and Clacton quite often.
This photograph looks as though it was taken from the gate way of the house where my great uncle lived and as indeed I did, untill 1949. There were if I remember, four semi detached houses that joined up with the old Post Office going towards Clacton. The view from my uncles house gate looks down towards Pork Lane and it is there that my Great greatgrandfather lived in Plantation Cottages and where he died ...see more