Great Totham, Catchpole Lane c.1965
Photo ref: G99002
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Memories of Great Totham, Catchpole Lane c1965

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Great Totham, Catchpole Lane c.1965

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Although I only lived at Great Totham as a young boy for 7 years , 48 years after moving to the Cotswolds because of my fathers work I still have a fair few memories. We moved to Foster road in 1965 from Chelmsford the year when all these great photos were taken, shame there are not more. I remember playing with friends in the ditch area by the brook at the bottom of Catchpole Lane just to the ...see more