Harthill, The Lake c.1965
Photo ref: H193031
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A Selection of Memories from Harthill

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Harthill

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We bought our house from Fred and Mabel Crossley in September 1970 for the princely sum of £4700 ! ( My father thought I was aiming a bit too high). I never forgot Fred as he told me that he had been offered £9000 but he took to me and my future wife . I remember meeting Jane briefly as I would come to “The Birches” to dig over the garden . Jane was friendly with Denise Bryant through horse ...see more
I was born in Harthill in 1940, moved to Nottingham in 1954 and then to Canada in 1974. I still have relatives in Harthill and always visit when I am in England. The memory that sticks in my mind is sledding down a hill, through a farm gate, and ending up going on the road which was OK as there wasn't much traffic in the 50s; also riding a bulldozer in the winter of 46-47. My sister Linda was born in Harthill in 57 and the village was cut off because of snow.
My Granddad lived in the retirement bungalows by the lake at Harthill in the late 60s-early 70s. Can anyone remember the Bateman's with daughters Elsie, Beatrice and Dorothy. Beatrice, gave up so much when she met my Dad. He was struggling to bring up four children single handed in 1964, I was 18 months old with twin sisters of 4 and a brother of 6. What a marvellous women, to bring up someone elses children as ...see more
My maternal grandfather James William Dukes won 1st prize in the half mile bicycle race (open) in 1903. He won a very impressive afternoon ... tea knives and spoons with mother of pearl handled butter knives etc. which is now in my possession . Does anyone have any memories via family or newspaper reports of this event? Thankyou.