Nostalgic memories of Holme's local history

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

I moved to Holme on Spalding Moor, just after Easter 1953. My gran had a pub in Hull called The Black Boy, and she retired to Holme to run the Railway Inn in Holme and as I then lived with her I moved too. I was very excited to live in the country, as I had always lived in Hull before, which was a very dirty and sooty place in those days. I went to school in Market Weighton for the last few weeks until the ...see more
My parents and my sister and I lived here between 1955 and 1959. My sister Randi and I were born there. Our Dad was in the air force. I am searching for my Mom's best friend Christine Smart or her sister Monica, or Chris's son named Ian. Does anyone know Christine Smart? If so, please respond here or to my email VLMAUGUST@AOL.COM
The wife Val and I moved to Holme just married in early October 1974, Val had to a job in the office at Northern Dairies and had to work weekends entering the number of milk churns that came from the farms on the lorries. A very likable chap called Cyral Smart used to bring the figures up to the office for Val to enter into the ledger. Myself, I obtained a job at the airfield with British Aerospace as a ...see more
Was just wondering if anyone who knows the history of Gilberdyke has any information on Claytons fold, used to be clayton tractors of Gilberdyke. I am interested to find out the history of the land before the tractor factory, or if anyone knows of anything that happened on the land. A neighbour's little girl keeps saying she can see a man in her room, and I was wondering if she could see ...see more
The station was the take-off location for aircraft on a bombing raid to Germany. Squadron Leader Francis William Scott Turner departed 1843 on 22nd September 1943 and was shot down over Germany, missing and presumed killed on the same date. I am looking for any information about the aircraft, the squadron and above all that relating to my father, S/L (acting Wing Commander) FWS (Roscoe) Turner.
I remember visiting Holme -on-Spalding-Moor several times in the early and mid 1960s as a teenage schoolboy to view a yard of very salvageable Edwardian, vintage and 1930's cars which in those days had little monetary or collector's value. The proprietor was an aptly named Paul Bentley, I recall. I particularly remember a ginormous Austro-Daimler from the early 1920s and have often wondered what became of it Mike Day Suphanburi Thailand
In 1952 I started my apprenticeship as a blacksmith with Ben Howdel. We were situated on the corner of Back Lane and Howden Road. I served my full term of five years, always being the 'Junior' under Percy Riley - who I understand, still lives in the village - and Raymond Johnson from Hayton. For eighteen months I cycled from Market Weighton every day untill I bought a motorcycle - and what a ...see more
My aunt Joyce Blacker (nee Watson), and uncle Earnest used to live here, along with my cousins, Christine, Pauline and Magaret. I think it was next to a garage with a cafe or something. They had sheep and pigs on the farm, and there was an old well in the garden that was said to be haunted by a girl that had fallen in and drowned. My cousins and I used, when my parents brought us up to Yorkshire to ...see more
In 1939 this shop was owned by Mr and Mrs Hodgson. They were relatives of Geoff Foster who still lives in the village. I last made a purchase from Annie Hodgson in 1948. I last saw the Hodgsons in 1952 on returning from service in Malaya. I love Holme and still make regular visits.
The first smallholding on the right hand side was where my relatives lived - Richard and Nellie Wiles. The house is still very much the same, but with some extensions to the house itself. The outbuildings are exactly the same. The next house was my grandparents' smallholding. The outbuildings are still there but can hardly be seen from the road. I remember the Station Master was a Mr O'Keefe. I still have a cousin living in Station Lane. Happy memories.