Hornchurch, High Street c.1955
Photo ref: H115025
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Memories of Hornchurch, High Street c1955

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I was born 07/1946 no , 13 Lancaster Drive great memories of Lancaster & Laburnum losts of kids paying in the street and at the Sutton farm field at the end of Lancaster, we almost all went to Suttons . Siblings Brian Valerie Richard.
1965/66 Jack firth was the publican every night live music the pub was full , my BSA Super Rocket out side! God knows how I rode it home. Kenny Jarvis
Hi , My name is Eric Bell & I was born in 1947,& raised in Hornchurch. When I was around 17 I was lucky enough to work at Jim Moore`s music shop in Hornchurch Road. What a great job for a young guitar nut eh!! I formed a group called "The Nighthawks" & we played quite frequently at the Bull. I remember old Jack Lewis, (who was a great friend of Jim Moor), who ran the pub. .Nice guy, as ...see more
Mr Grain was my music teacher along with Miss Ruffles at Suttons. I was in his school choir and in 1963 or 64 we performed 'Nicholas and the Pickled Boys' in the school hall for the parents. Mr Grain was very strict, but he got us all singing. He accused me once of not washing the previous night's make up off, when actually I had, but I had applied fresh make up discreetly that morning hoping the teachers wouldn't notice as it was strict school rules, no make up allowed in school.