Early Memories Of The Rest

A Memory of Kenton.

It was my fathers local-he was the master of a lightship and spent 4 weeks on & 2 weeks ashore-he made the most of those 2 weeks! I used to sit outside quite regularly with an orange squash whilst he finished his game of dominoes. I remember one morning, on my way to school going past the car park at the rear, the publicans Alsatian dog took a big bite of my leg. He'd had a crack at the Postman too. I lived in Kenton from 1944 to 1970 went to school at Priestmead Primary & then on to Belmont Secondary Modern. Many happy memories. I've looked on Google maps & don't recognize the old place.

Added 24 February 2014


Comments & Feedback

Hi David,
I don't know if you remember me but I went to the same schools as you and was best mates with the son of the manager of the Rest,and used to work in there sometimes.His name was Jimmy Lobjoit and his dad was known as "Nobby". Around 1958 until 1963.
Can't seem to find anyone else from those days!
Brian Skeates.
I think that a guy called Joe Mercer subsequently took over the running of the Rest. He was a bit before my time, but apparently ran a very tight ship. For years after he moved on, locals used to rave about him and the way the Rest used to be run.

I knew someone who said that he went on to run a place he used to use in Westminster, which was a popular watering hole of MPs from the nearby HoP.

In my day the Rest was run by an Irish guy by the name of Joe Keogh.

It is now a very dismal grill restaurant, dull even by the standards of Beefeater Steak Houses.
I went to Priestmead school and Belmont school. I lived in Belmont Circle. I used to be in the same class as Jimmy Lobjoit. I have lived in Canada for many years and now live in Victoria British Columbia. All the very best to you all.

Jacqueline Fraser
Just come across this article. Yes Joe and Agnes Mercer had this hotel in the sixties. He was my Grandfathers cousin and he sold the hotel and retired late sixties / early seventies. After a couple of years he came out of retirement and took over the Duke of Wellington in Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, Had visited both places over the years and met them many times at various Licensed Victuallers do's. His sister and her husband had The Hercules Pillars in Holborn and his brother had a hotel in Seaton, Devon. My Grandparents were also Publicans and My Grandfathers, Sister and Brother and my Grandmothers sister were also in the trade.
My cousin Peggy Leavy now deceased started working in the rest in Oct 65. The Mercer family were a wonderful couple to work for and we loved it there. They employed many Irish staff i married a local Brian Purcell in 1970 but we separated in 83 when i returned to Ireland with our 2 girls until 2020 and now live in Farnham. Wouldove to hear from.anyone who recalls our time there. Sally Purcell nee Magee
I omitted " and I " from first line of above Sally
There was a lovely old dear called Betty (maybe it was actually Peggy and I've misremembered her name) who used to work there when I used the Rest in the 70s. She was one of the fixtures and had been there for years. She was a gentle soul and very proper.

There was also a guy called John McHugh and I think his brother, whose name has now gone from me. Everyone seemed to be Irish, except the temperamental chef, John, who was Polish. (His real name would have been Jan, I'm sure)

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