Kidlington, c.1960
Photo ref: K85049
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A Selection of Memories from Kidlington

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Kidlington

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Oh my, I love all those many memories...The new school baffled me as I wasn't sure which one it was. I went to the infants school in Blenheim Rd, the the New Junior School Oxford Rd (Near Garden City) the Gosford Hill Secondary Modern (just pre comp.) It was built but not ready for us to use...which meant we would have to travel through Oxford to Littlemore everyday on city buses...we were not ...see more
I spent all my childhood in Kidlington, from nought to twenty-five years, when parents moved to Woodstock. We swam at the Whyte bridge even though we could not swim. We went to the clinic at the forester's hall to get weighted, and see a Doctor, to buy national dried milk, cod liver oil and orange juice, the Mum's chatted and drank tea, we ate small current buns while they talked. Our polio vaccinations were ...see more
I did my apprenticeship at Woodward Bros electricians, High Street and had to do a lot of repairs at the Sterling Cinema. After the job was finished, Mr Hawkins, manager, used to give me a complementary pass. I shall always remember.
Everyone knew each other with the men waiting at the Co-op corner by the monkey tree all waiting for the Red Lion pub to open. We got our groceries from the co-op, mum got her divi from her shopping, also when we got short of coal I had to collect the coal in a pram. My grampy kept pigs and when Mr Teal came to kill one we had to go in doors so we didn't see, then we was giving the pigs bladder to play with - the only ...see more