Nostalgic memories of Kingsbury's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 66 in total

I remember going to Saturday morning pictures for sixpence and standing at the back of the stalls . I caught a 52 bus from Preston road in the late 40`s
I went to Tylers Croft from 1959 to 1964. Brilliant school days and loads of happy memories. Some names that come to mind are: Clive White, Richard White, Fred Lodge, Trevor Campbell, Alan Hobden, Alan Bell, Eric Cooper, Eric Davis, Trevor Ellacott, Geoff Shwalbe, Billy King, Walter Club and Terry Rogers. I could think of many more I’m sure. If anyone out there remembers those great times please send a line. Richard (ticky) Akehurst
I was born in 1941 in the Maternity Home in Honeypot Lane. We lived at 595 Kenton Road just opposite the Church where we went to Sunday School and Brownies. There was a garage on the corner, opposite a row of shops and waste ground before you got to Kingsbury Circle and the shops. Half way up on the left hand side was a small arcade which had a dolls hospital in, right at the end of the shops was the CooP with long ...see more
Honeypot Lane was where I was born in 1954. I remember walking round this way by myself with my doll’s pram & thinking that the pregnant ladies would envy me with my baby! This seemed quite a way from my house in Brampton Road. I also remember a fascinating haberdashery shop that was on this right hand corner. It was where I got my sequins, fabric & buttons for school needlework. I guess this is where my obsession for sewing bits started. Thanks Miss Smyth!!
I had a school friend whose parents ran this pub in the1960s. I loved to go to hers for tea or a visit. We would play in the garden, which seemed so big, wander round the bars. Even today that smell of beer brings it all back. But best of all, we were sometimes allowed into the function room at the back which had a stage AND a microphone. How we loved to sing & pretend we were pop stars! I shudder when I think ...see more
I remember trips to the pool in the summer holidays with my mum & sister. We were sometimes allowed to go under the fountain if we were careful ! I don’t remember being cold but I guess it was!
i used to live in Groverner crescent in the 1950s and went to school at Roe green ,love to here from my old school chums ,regards S.Warland
Dear John. I too was born in Kingsbury at the Honey Pot Lane Maternity Annex in 1953. We lived opposite Brampton Road in the flats on the High Road. My uncle and aunt lived at 1 Brampton Road this being a house tied to his job with Eastern Electricity whilst my auntie worked on the caravan sales site at the swimming pool end of the High Road. To this day I remember our flat number; 463B. It was the top floor ...see more
went to Tyler's croft early sixties good memories so many talented kids in terms of athletics, art , football
Yes, by some kind of miracle, the Green Man is still there, although the carpark was built on, and the off licence next door is long gone. The Prince Of Wales by the roundabout is now a Tesco store, the Plough just before the Church Lane lights was turned into a different pub, and is now a restaurant. The George in Church Lane is still the same, The Red Lion at the bottom of Kingsbury Road was pulled down, and there ...see more