Nostalgic memories of Kingsbury's local history

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 66 in total

I'm 70 now and still have great memories of Kingsbury where i lived from 1950 until 1960 with my parents Dick & Joyce and brother & sister Steve and Lynda. We lived in a Prefab just 5 doors down from Kingsbury swimming pool and hence spent hours there on our annual season tickets. (10 b0b} Idylic days playing football in the winter and cricket in the summer all just through the back fence in the ...see more
My father discovered Kingsbury Pool when working nearby in the fifties. He then regularly took my brother and me to to the pool at weekends. It was a long trip from Pimlico but always worth it.
I was at school at Tylers Croft school in 1957 for 18 months before we moved to Oxfordshire. I remember walking to school from where I lived in Salmon Street, along Slough Lane and passed the Green Man pub and crossing over the Kingsbury Road to the Girls school. My father used to cycle the same route to work where he was a toolroom turner at Pheonix who made electric cyclinder cleaners. We lived in the top half of the ...see more
Hi Geoffrey Schwalbe! I've only just discovered this Site. I think we were in the same class at Glenwood School from 1954 to 1956. Teachers I recall were: Headmistress Doris Anderson, Mr Dyde, also Freeman, Marsh and Vallum. Boys in the class were Billy Course, Leon Appleberg, Tony Thorne, David Green, Brian Swain, Raymond Little, Derek Allen, Alan Cakebread, John Smithson, Robert Laidlaw, Colin Lisle, Alan ...see more
There were several modern dance venues which we regularly frequented, including The Ritz Ballroom which once stood at the junction of the Kingsbury Road and the western end of the Old Kenton Lane, and the Churchill Club which stood in Elmwood Avenue at the junction of the Kenton Road. However I also enjoyed Traditional Jazz which could be heard and danced to at the South Harrow Jazz Club near Stanley Road, and also at ...see more
I remember going here when I was very young. Must have made quite an impression on me. I was too small to go into the main pool but loved walking and playing in the shallow water along the side. I am sure there was a large fountain too, not shown in the picture. Some of the kids used to climb up it and sit under the cascading water. In later years I remember only the sound of my chattering teeth when swimming in outdoor pools.
Yes I remember Saturday morining pics very well at the Gaumont. A well spent tanner for the highlight of my week.
Living in Highmeadow Crescent just off Buck Lane, we went to Ollie Gollie (Oliver Goldsmith) Infants'Jnr school. Mum would give us 1/- per day for dinner money and sometimes I would spend it all on sweets!! My, could you get a lot of sweets for 1/-!!! I remember Bryant Stores sold super sweets and always smelt of tobacco. Such a little shop but never empty! I am the only one of 6 who has never been ...see more
I have many memories of Kingsbury. I was born in Kingsbury in 1955 and lived in Dorchester Way which backed onto the side of the then fire station. I attended St Bernadette's school off the Kenton Road. After recently looking at Kingsbury on Google earth I was pleased to see that not all had changed in Kingsbury having moved away in 1966. My memories of Kingsbury are the fields ...see more
I lived in Church Lane, Kingsbury at Elvin Court and went to Tylerscroft after leaving Fryent infant and junior school. I have very fond memories of Tylers as we called it back in them days. I remember Mr Perkins Music, he built his own music system for the school and I always found his lessons very infomative of which I learned at lot from. Also Mr King(science) strict but a good teacher if ...see more