World War 2

A Memory of Kingsbury.

We moved to Roe Green Village in 1940 having been bombed out in the East End. My father was stationed at Mill Hill Barracks following his return from France. He found us a place to live in Goldsmith Lane, Kingsbury. We spent the rest of the war years in the village. We had our share of the bombing and I can remember a bomb falling in our back garden and my Dad was so upset that it had destroyed his well kept lawn, not worried that the windows were blown out and the ceiling had fallen down. That same evening four houses in Goldsmith Lane were bombed and my Dad went along to help rescue the people.
Life in the village was a lot of fun. The fact that there were no cars on the roads enabled all us lads to play football and roller skate hockey in the roads.
I went to Roe Green School until eventually going to Kingsbury Senior Boys in the Edgware Road. Tylers Croft School which was started before the war and was not completed until well after the war finished. My father died in 1948 when I was 12 years. The Soldiers, Sailors and Air Forces Ass. paid for me to go into a military school in Woking, Surrey. So my time in Kingsbury came to a temporary halt.

Added 09 December 2012


Comments & Feedback

Roe Green Village is still the same, hasn't changed at all (well, being a Conservation Area, it's not allowed to!)

Here are some links, in case you have never seen them

All the best, Steve
If you can contact me that would be great as we have made a film about childhood memories in Roe Green Village and we are still in the process of completing a book. I am very interested if you have photos and more info about your time as a child in the village.

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