Meonstoke, The Village c.1955
Photo ref: M304305
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A Selection of Memories from Meonstoke

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Meonstoke

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I’m researching my family tree and whilst I knew my Great great uncle ran a pub in Siddlesham, as my Dad remembers his father visiting there, I wasn’t aware he also had a pub in Meonstoke too. George ran The Millers Arms in Meonstoke during WW1
My uncle, Earnest Smith lived nearly opposite the Bucks Head with his sister Dora. He was a market gardener by profession and used to grow most of their needs. He also was a herbalist; often we'd visit and he'd say 'not feeling too well' and pop off own the garden and pick, I recall, dandelions to eat. He was the first person to own a motorcycle in the village. Catching stickleback in the stream was a childhood favorite. Many of my relatives are buried in St Andrews.
The 1841 census shows that my Great, Great Grandparents, Charles and Lucy Chick and their 6 children lived at Stock Farm Meonstoke. The article in the archives about Stock Farm in 1955 is very interesting. does anyone have anymore memories of this farm?
My Grandfather and Grandmother, Pamplin, lived in Frys Lane Meonstoke in the 1920s. He was a footman or butler to Charles C McCrae who lived in Meonstoke House. Does anybody have any memories of this household ? I am doing a family tree and would like to add more details and photographs if possible. My mother and uncle were born in Meonstoke. Francis Frith has many photographs of Meonstoke, but not of the ...see more