You Never Stop Being A Moultoner

A Memory of Moulton.

It's good to see all the comments here about the village. Lo's of memories when people mention Reg Wilson's, Stanway's and people like Stuart Egerton etc.
I was born at the cottage at the top of Church St ...21 Whitlow Lane to be exact although the front of our house faced down Church St. My Mum and Dad were Sam and Jessie Gibson and I had a sister Kath ...unfortunately all three are gone now. My pals in the village included Roy Buckley, Jimmy Buckley, Mike Crank, my great mate on the Rec at football, Brian Pritchard, Phil Bebbington, Keith Hodgkinson, John Steele who is now in Cyprus. Our neighbours were the Crimes and Yates and Mike Dale lived just down Church St.. Nan Curzon, Florrie Macker (Buckley), Flo Dickenson, Patty at the shop top of Regent St are other people I remember and how could we forget Martha Baker and her family in Laurence Ave....I have recently been looking at a DVD of the 1970 Festival, lots of faces on it, if anyone wants a copy please email me was taken by Geoff Bancroft.

Added 19 October 2011


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