School Days

A Memory of New Haw.

I was moved to New Haw in1941 as a small boy, after my mother and I had been sent to several other locations during the early part of the Second World War, my father working in munitions. We lived in Holly Avenue, and after New Haw primary school, I was transferred to Bentlands primary school in Addleston, where all the pupils were like myself London evacuees. I can remember that Bentlands was a large house and opposite us down the street was St. Paul's primary school with whom we often did battle. Our Headmaster was Mr. Henstritch,and our class teacher was W. P. Allen, a volitile Welshman. Eventually 'passed the scholarship' and went to Woking Grammar School where I completed my education. I don't remember the recreation ground being called Heathervale, just 'The Rec'. It was on the other side of Woodham Lane opposite Grange Road. Is that the one? My friends at this time were Bernie Church, Herbert Keating and John Godfrey. Anyone out there?
Michael Isaacs

Added 15 October 2011


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