Pinner, Grange Cottage c.1960
Photo ref: P296024
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A Selection of Memories from Pinner

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Pinner

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I was fortunate enough to live in Pinner as a small child 8 & 9 years old. We lived on 9 Nower Hill, and I remember befriending the railway station ticket lady. She and I used to go out to the parking lot (which was gravel back then) and look for loose change. She would be kind enough to give me rail passes, and I would go to the History museum, or Kensington Gardens, or the Queens residence Buckingham palace. I was ...see more
Does anyone remember this restaurant in the late 60s and 70s? It was a massive treat to be taken here by my parents as a small child and feel so grown up, sitting in the red velvet booths with white tableclothes, melba toast with curly butter. I always had lamb cutlets and creamed potatoes with peas. Would love to share a memory with anyone else who loved it too :)
Before I moved to The Ridgeway in 1955 I live in Woodall Drive and regularly used the 221 bus to trundle up Paines Lane past my school, and ending up in the space outside the RedLion pub. I remember how the bus rocked each time the driver climbed in and out of his cab! Both the driver and conductor used to disappear into the pub, presumably for a comfort break, at the end of the journey. I seem to ...see more
I worked at Pinner Radio and Electrical Maintenance in Station Approach Pinner from 1956 to 1967. The shop was located at the bottom of Station Approach, next to a little tobacconist kiosk on one side and the old Victory pub on the other... I wonder if anyone has any memories of this little shop. It was owned by Arthur Breese and both his son's Tony and Chris Breese worked there too, From the bottom of Station Approach ...see more