Those Were The Days

A Memory of Redditch.

Who remembers being compared to Robbie Burns's "wee sleekit cowring timrous beastie" as we first crept into that hallowed school? Then how we quickly got used to all the pranks and fun that could be had, despite the rather formidable presence of Jimmy Morrall, "Goofy "Stranz and Miss Lericheux.
Boys and girls had to wear their hats to and from school, and faced detention if seen without one. "Harty" the maths teacher was usually on the ball with that one as he always came to school on a bike and passed a good many of us on his journey. Harvey Morris conducted our choirs and, although looking serene and professional  with his back to the audience of doting parents, his facial expressions were enough to frighten the more timid of his protegees.
Then there was Mr Hayes, sweet Doc Deuchcrow and lovely Mr Yapp, Peggy O'Neill (who always liked to dress like a bumble bee), Miss Moore and Miss Cooke, who started the same year as me. Mr Body and Miss Parker who got married to each other and Mr Holmes the mystical art teacher.  Ah those were the days. It was a lovely school and I wish it was the same as it used to be. Carol, nee Chapman (Charly)

Added 22 September 2008


Comments & Feedback

As Catherine Allen I attended Lodge Farm from 1957.I remember,with affection,Miss Emms Biology teacher,Mr.Dalrympole,a friend Maurice whose Mother had a sweet shop,he always bought me a packet of Spangles I remember Heather Smart and my best friend,Enid Field.It was a happy school and I loved ,my time there.
I knew Heather smart she was also a friend

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