School Holidays At Granny Janes

A Memory of Rothes.

My memories of Rothes are of spending wonderful holidays staying with my Granny at the Crudens in Rothes. I went every school holiday for many years. I loved my Granny and Auntie Greta, but adored my Aunty Nellie who took me everywhere with her. She worked at Simpsons Bakery and at 6 o'clock in the morning, I would be perched on the handle bars of her bike, whizzing up Green St.(No health and safety then) Mr Simpson the boss, always handed me a brown envelope with a shiny half crown in it for my wages.

Another fond memory is of helping out at the farm accross from Granny's house. Along with pals, I would be balanced on top of hay trailers and ricks. Little mice and other beesties running around my feet.(Wouldn't be so brave now) Funny! I always remember eating our lunch 'pieces' sitting in gloreous sunshine. A childs rose tinted glasses must be responsible for that.

Easter holidays brought another thing to store away in my childs mind for future memories. My friends and I would decorate our hard boiled eggs, (collected from Granny's hens) and all climb up the Doonie hill. There, we would roll them down again, and when they were all smashed, we would sit down and have a great little picnic of jam sandwiches, smashed up eggs and a bottle of water. Best picnics ever. These were such happy times, as we could wander around Rothes, and round the Spey any time we liked, and know we would be safe. Everybody knew us and everyone looked after each other, although I suppose there was a slight downside to it, because if we misbehaved they knew who to tell.
I am 62 years old now, but these memories are so fresh in my mind. Happy days.

Added 11 September 2010


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