Sible Hedingham, The White Horse c.1960
Photo ref: S276023
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A Selection of Memories from Sible Hedingham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Sible Hedingham

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Our family lived in Hilton House, Swan Street from 1960 to 1971, my father ran an accountancy business which gradually occupied the entire ground floor as it expanded. I was educated at Miss Bligh's private school in Alderford Grange, along with many American children from USAF Wethersfield, and later at Grenville College, Stoke by Clare. My parents seemed to know everyone in the village. Daisy Cowan from ...see more
My family (Fullers) were methodist ministers, and in 1926/7 my grandparents went on a camping trip alongside the River Lark ? with the Ripper family, ( HT Ripper) I have discovered about 30 negatives of this event showing my grandparents and also the Ripper Family, so, I am trying to find any descendants living of the Ripper family to get in touch with. I am based in staffordshire and have digit ised ...see more
Can anyone tell me if the company had a large house within the Hedinghams? Need to find out if my Mum worked for the family as a domestic servant during the years 1920-1934 approx. Her name was Gertrude Leeks who lived in Polstead Suffolk but I know she was in service in one of the big houses in Hedingham. Love to hear some history please. Audrey
My grandfather had the newsagents in Swan Street from around 1942 to 1952 and during school hols i would stay in Sible. I would go with either my aunt or grandfather to deliver papers, with aunt on a bike or in a Ford car with grandad. I remember taking papers to the Sugar Loaves,and getting evening papers off the train at the station (station where it was then). I remember Rippers the wood factory opposite ...see more