Sittingbourne, Apple Orchards c.1965
Photo ref: S531049
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A Selection of Memories from Sittingbourne

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Sittingbourne

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Living in the outlying village of Doddington, Sittingbourne was our nearest town for shopping, services and entertainment. My Parents ran a children's home in Doddington at the top of Chequers Hill from about 1949 to about 1965. My first school was a private house in Sittingbourne, I am unable to remember the name of the lady who ran it. At the age of 7 years I started attending Doddington County Primary ...see more
My name is Margaret.  I was born in Park Road, Sittingbourne on 18.4.45. My parents were Flossie and Cyril Neaves. My dad worked as a machine man in the Sittingbourne paper mills and my mum worked fruit picking in the early days but worked for Shell Research Station later on. I attended the Holy Trinity Primary School then moved onto Westlands Secondary. After leaving school I worked at Chatham ...see more