Solihull, George Hotel c.1970
Photo ref: S257111
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A Selection of Memories from Solihull

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Solihull

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The back entrance seemed to be used by most pupils and linked in to malvern park and then solihull high street. The school grounds were extensive and new buildings were added for sports and dining. The outdoor lido next to the school was used for swimming lessons .... Lorraine Sinclair-Evans
I was born near COventry in 1948 and we move to Olton in 1952. After I left school in late 1965 I got a job as a labourer with C Bryant & Sons on the new Solihull shopping centre, and a few weeks later head office insisted i work in the office as a site clerk. I worked with John Garratt. I remember the new Sainsburys; I had never seen a supermarket before. I bought Elgar's Enigman variations in W H ...see more
I did not usually come in this way but the back way, over the park by the lido.
My mum, Kay Walford, was at Solihull Girls' School and Malvern, and I've found some of the magazines from the late 1950s/early 60s. Would anyone be interested in them? Or does anyone know of an ex-pupils group or local history group who would like them? (Happy to post them)