South Molton, The Secondary School c.1960
Photo ref: S362030
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A Selection of Memories from South Molton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from South Molton

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This is a belated response to Patricia Huxtable who recorded her memories of South Molton on 28th May 2008. My name is Guy Alford, I too was born in South Molton in 1941. My father Cyril Henry Alford owned a furniture shop in King Street where I was brought up with my older brother David and younger sister Daphne. I remember you Patricia and Roger and hope you are both well. I also remember Mr. ...see more
My name is William, and I lived in West Buckland, North Devon. My family moved there in about 1959 when my dad changed his job again. He worked for a local farmer for about 12 months before swapping to work for Mr and Miss Down at Gibbs farm. My life revolved around the farm it being all I wanted to do in my life. That and as I got older, a nice girl as a friend, not ...see more
My mother was evacuated to Bishop Nympton ( but going to school in South Molton) She arrived with her mother and her brand new baby sister sometime during the War...I don't know the year right now, I need to find out. They were ultimately taken in by the gentry living in Whitechapel Farm in Bishop Nympton, who I believe were Stewarts of Lloyd & Stewart steel-making fame. My mum and her family lived above the ...see more
I was born at Filleigh and went to Filleigh Infants School.  But then at eleven years old went to school at South Molton Secondary Modern. It was 1953 and the school was quite new, opening in 1952 if I remember correctly. As I recollect  Mr Larson ( ref below post) had an upholstery business in South Molton. My memories are of the Terraneaux buses taking me from where I lived to South Molton School and the bottles of ...see more