Eskley Gardens

A Memory of South Ockendon.

I grew up first in flats opposite the shops in Daiglen Drive (I was born in Islington), then when I was about 3 we moved to Eskley Gardens. It was a great place - the old Belhouse mansion was derelict at that time, and we (my brothers Steve and Bern) used to play in it, marvelling at the sloping floors. Our house was made of something called scotswood pine, which as far as I recall was as thin as paper, so every winter we'd scrape the frost off the inside of the windows. No-one dared leave the living room, as it was the only heated room in the house, especially to have a bath!
Over the back of our house was, well, I suppose it must have been some sort of old tip (Ham River, it was called) which had grown over so that it was a wonderland to kids of lakes and hills. I spent ages here playing soldiers with brothers and friends, trying to catch fish, floating little boats, watching moorhens.....
I was in the Air Training Corps in Grays, and we'd walk there and back on Sundays, play in the woods the other side of Ham River, and when I was a bit older and had some money from either a paper round or the summer holiday spent pulling weeds at a farm in North Ockendon, I'd get a Twin Rover (5 shillings) and get to Upminster to spend the day riding the tube and red buses round central London, visiting also the wonderful (free) Science Museum). God knows what I ate or drank - I can't remember doing either!!
I went to school at Bonnygates, then went to Lennards in about 1963, so David Bullock, Peter Butters, Tony Tillman, Keith Osborne, George Hardcastle, Beverley Pritchard, Sharon Dorren (sorry, I can't remember any more names) if you're out there get in touch. Fond memories of the teachers - Joan Smith and Mr Roberts in particular, but not the head, the fearsome and dreaded RC Wilkins *shudder*. I left in 1968, went to work in Cambridge, then joined the RAF in 1970 and just completely lost touch with everyone as the years passed.
Great to find this site and good to look at the photos.
If you know me, I'd love to hear from you:

Added 15 November 2012


Comments & Feedback

Hello Michael I lived at 4, Eskley Gardens from about '68 to '71, I guess that's about the time you left, I lived at Araglen Avenie before then, my brother Tony (Boshell) went to Lennards, but before you I think, he left about '61 or 2, I remember the old Belhus Mansion, we used to play there as kids, and the Ham River, I have such fond memories of Ockendon, had a great childhood growing up there.
Hi Michael. Just read your account of life in Ockendon. I also went to Lennards from 1966 - 1970. I knew some of your acquaintances. Dennis Hardcastle, brother of George and Suzanne Pritchard, sister of Bev were both in my class. I can remember Peter Butters too.
I think we all woke up to ice on the inside of the windows during winter in those days! All the best.
Geoff Hunter.
Hi all you how lived in ockenden know that the mansion in bellhouse park belonged to a family named Lenard's,and they help to pay for the Lenard's secondary school that's where it got its name from,out side the main entrance thier was a sun dial whitch the family donated to the school,they used to have a miniature farm thier once but got rid of it

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