South Ockendon, A Huge Part Of My Life

A Memory of South Ockendon.

My grandparents were both born in South Ockendon. Arthur Charles Kettle and Beatrice Alice Kettle, nee Chapman. They were married in St. Nicholas Church on 15th October 1921. They had three children, Betty, Susie and 'Rusty' (Arthur, my dad.) I was born at the family home of 28 Cliff Place. My parents Rusty and Joan Kettle moved to Chadwell St. Mary in 1957. I was always at my happiest when I was at Cliff Place. Unfortunately grandad died in December 1956 and is buried in St. Nicholas Church yard. When I was growing up Ockendon was a wonderful place. I remember going 'up the street' with Nanna. In the cul-de-sac of Cliff Place I can remember the people. There was Mr. Plum who had three or four sons. There was Mr. & Mrs Starling and their family there as Mr. and Mrs. Stebbings, my nan then Mr & Mrs Young who had two children Janice and Brian. There was Mrs. Aylette and then Mrs. Grice who had lost her only son Raymond and never got over it. Opposite nanna lived Julianna Poppy, I can't remember her surname. Shopping was wonderful. There was the butchers, Mr. Randall who had a son Yan, Mr & Mrs Goodspeed the fishmonger who sold fresh fish and fish and chips. Mr and Mrs Dixon had the lovely little shop that sold toys and sweets. There was Mrs. Halls, newsagent, that was taken over by her son Derek. Then there was the offlicence and Hirsts the bakers. On the opposite side of the road was Mrs. Stones house, where she and her son Reg sold fruit and veg from their front room/kitchen. Then there was George Blows, the smithy. I spent so many happy hours sitting in there with George and his sister. I beleive her name was Edna but I'm not sure but I do remember that she had a deformed foot and had to wear a built up shoe. She was always happy to see me as was George. At the other end of the village was Mar Road where Billy Eaton, the saddlemaker had a small shop. I would spend hours there with him. He always had time to show me what he was doing and used to let me help. I am now 56 and still have a shoulder bag that he made for me. I treasure it as much today as I did when he made it for me.
My nanna was born Chapman, they lived down West Road. She had two brothers, George and Walter and several sisters, Florence, Magaurite (Mag), Kit and Emma. Auntie Kit lived down Nelson Road, she was married to Sid and had a son Ted. Walter married Francis and they had one son Frank, and lived in Ilford. George married Gladys and they had three children, Vivian, Brian and Janet. My Nanna's daughter Betty married Arthur James, they lived latterly at 40 Central Avenue, Aveley and had three children, Alan (who married Diane and had two boys) Susan (who married Ron Blackwood and had a daughter Joanne) they were divorced and Susan married twice more and the last marriage resulted in her living in Germany where I believe she died. Aunt Susie married Leslie James and lived at 41 Barfield, Basildon. Over the years I have lost touch with everyone. I would love to be able to contact some of the relatives to see if they had any photos of nanna and grandad. I only had a couple of each and they are so cherished. Nanna lived at 28 Cliff Place from 1927 until 1986 when she died. She too is buried in St. Nicholas Church Yard. I have just learnt that Nanna's parents where Henry James and Rachel Chapman. I don't know any more than this and would love to find out more about them. I know that Rachel lived until she was over 80 and died sometime between 1948 and 1953 I believe. I now live in the Outer Hebrides, 700 miles from South Ockendon, but I regularly get on Google and look at the village. I have even seen that the apple trees I planted as a child in the garden are still there. If anyone has any information about any of my ancestors I would be grateful if they could contact me at

Added 30 June 2012


Comments & Feedback

I lived in Celandine Road in the prefabs. I believe my friend, who was best man at my wedding in St Nicholas church, lived in Cliff Place. HIs name was Gordon Sinclair and he lived there with his sister Una and parents. HIs dad was a big, jovial man who smoked a pipe. Lovely family. Wonder if you would remember them. Talking about the 1960's.
I'm Gordon Sinclairs cousin. He lives in pitsea. If you give me your name I will pass it on.

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