Southport, War Memorial 1924
Photo ref: 75779
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A Selection of Memories from Southport

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Southport

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My Aunt and Uncle used to take me to Peter Pans Pool when I stayed with them in the summer holiday. One day on the round a bout thing you pushed and then jumped on, a girl eating a banana ice lolly threw up and we all caught a bit !! Since then I cannot eat or smell anything banana flavoured with out reliving that day. A mere 60 years ago.
I have Vague memories of being sent here to convalesce when I was little I remember being very poorly all the time with asthma and i almost died once from this, i do remember crying as i did not want to go and hated watching my dad walk away leaving me there but can not remember much else or how long I stayed here but i do remember nuns which is strange i really wish i could remember more xx
my dad used to work in 50 BoB Taylors , which became john Colliers ,a taylor by trade , he often visited people to measure them up for a suit etc; he worked in chapel street for many many years . I attended Norwood road school , in the 50's , one of the teachers was Mrs Boddington moved to live in Ainsdale from Wavell avenue High park , then attended st Johns school and Birkdale secondary school my maiden name was Clarke ,any one with similar memories would love to hear from u
I used to go to the bathing lake every weekend rain or shine , I used vinegar and olive oil to get a tan, I even lay on tin foil at one time , I used to arrive as the baths opened , alongside the life guards , I have a photo somewhere laying on the wall, by the café . met my first husband as well , who used to come from Manchester with his mates every weekend I have such fond of memories , always went on my own .my maiden name was Clarke