Aircraft Crashes In The Second World War In Stramshall And Uttoxeter

A Memory of Stramshall.

I was trying to remember the number of crashed aircraft I had seen, and, in another life, dealt with. Despite the closeness of many airfields, Church Broughton being the closest if you ignore the Marchington airstrip, I could only remember one, during my schooldays.
This was an Airspeed Oxford, it crashed in Hollington Lane, Stramshall, behind a house, which was lived in by the Arnolds, I vaguely remember a Wilfed Arnold being a contemporary of mine at school. I can remember the locus en quo, because my father's cousin, Albert, and his wife, Florrie, lived in Park Cottage, opposite Arnold's. Albert was killed in the 1944 Fauld Explosion. The crash virtually wrecked the aircraft, which was guarded by the local police. I cannot recall whether the crew were killed. I believe they were. Does anyone else remember this incident? I am hazy about the time, I would suggest it was about 1943.

Added 15 February 2010


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