The Mother Ship.

A Memory of Strone.

I think it was Easter weekend 1963, a friend, Peter Smart and I hitchhiked from Newcastle upon Tyne to Dunnoon. We were amateur 'Ban the Bombers'.
We booked in to the Strone youth hostel - we had spent the previous night in Kendoon youth hostel, near Dalry, sadly now closed. There was a great atmosphere about the whole area - the next day was a real party day at the lochside - lots of guitarists/ harmonica players, all watching the protesters approaching the nuclear submarines in canoes which were summarily overturned by high powered water hoses fired at them by the American sailors. it was all very entertaining. But all day and night all you could hear was the mother ships tannoy blaring, "Proteus, NOW HEAR THIS, NOW HEAR THIS, will able seaman XYZ, report to his superior". But my abiding memory of the hostel was the ablutions. There was a lead lined trough through the room. A wooden stopper was removed from the inlet end, whence the water from the external stream rushed through the trough in which you washed. It certainly woke you up and refreshed you as it was bloody freezing.

Added 06 July 2021


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