Taunton, High Street 1925
Photo ref: 78808
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A Selection of Memories from Taunton

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How I remember those days @ MPH, ERH....'69 I left your area. So many wonderful staff........my training served me well as I worked in the Caribbean, Canada, KSA. My last add. was Cheddon Rd.. Think often of Taunton...Mrs Molyneux, Parkfield Dr., Monica and Harry Denham, Rosa Ash, Monica Smith, Sr. Robertshaw, Palmer, Pearce, Townsend on 15, Holmes, Davis, Pearl. ...a host of good folks. Matron Prowse, all ...see more
An 11 year old boy got off a train from Barnstaple on to a platform crowded with Servicemen and other passengers. Travelling alone to London, holding a small case he was confused by the station announcements, and then boarded a crowded train. Where is this train going he asked? "Bristol", and then "Birmingham" came the answers. He felt panic - he wanted a London train and must get ...see more
My parents and brother were evacuated to Cullumpton and I was born in Tiverton Hospital in January 1941. We moved to West Monkton where my father managed the garage, my mother worked the petrol pumps and we all lived in the house at the back. The site is now owned by Bigwood & Partners, the pumps have gone but the house still remains. We were back in London by 1944 , so I have no real memory of this, but ...see more
I am searching for a Pam Holloway who lived in Southall Middlesex (London) around 1950, I attended school with her at Dormers Wells School. We went to Switzerland on a school trip around 1950. Pam had a sister, I think her name was Jean, and she lived in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. My family immigrated to Massachusetts USA in 1953, and I now live in Ohio USA. Is someone out there that may know ...see more