Thornton Heath, Bowling Green, Grangewood Park c.1948
Photo ref: T262011
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A Selection of Memories from Thornton Heath

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Thornton Heath

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John Andrews, born in Moffat Road, became interested in Photography and ended up with a photo studio on the corner of Furze Road. Remember Melbourne Photos and Croydon Press in Beulah Road. Used to watch television in Bradons on Saturday Evenings. Off to a Youth Club at Parchmore Road. Remember Pearks Groceries, Rosses Toy Shop and John's over the road, and Gather coles store too. What good days. Now living ...see more
My family lived in Osborne Road so my brothers and I went to Beulah Infant and Junior Schools. I think Mrs Colby was head of Infznts and Mrs Grumberg head of Juniors. Mrs Bird was my favourite teacher. I loved having stories outside in the garden in the summer. There was a swing and a large fallen tree that we could play on. My friends were Jenny Gray and Catherine Holloway. Jenny lived in Livingstone ...see more
My brothers and I lived in Osborne Road in the mid 60s - 72 and we used to climb in to the nursery in Beulah Crescent just to look at the pond! I believe it was in an old horse water trough but I might be wrong. We were fascinated by it. We never did any damage though. Was sad to see flats in its place when I last looked. Also… does anyone remember the blue police box ? It was either by Beulah Road shops or ...see more
I was born in Thornton Heath in the late 1940's and learned to swim at an early age. My next-door neighbour, who was a couple of years older than me, was a member of Pollards Swimming Club and persuaded me to join as well. The club met in the large pool at Thornton Heath swimming baths in the late 1950's/early 1960's and the people who ran it also provided a very welcome mug of hot Bovril to drink after the ...see more