Day At Treherbert

A Memory of Treherbert.

My dad came from Treherbert. My grandad, who I never met, worked in the coal mines of the Rhondda Valley. My grandparents also owned a fish and chip shop there. If you are old enough you may even remember it. My grandad apparently used to say when he was dipping fish in batter - "These are the boys for busting boils!" My dad told me that and said he was sure a few people believed him.
I remember, as a small child, my dad took me to see my Nan. I was sat at the table and we had a big roast dinner. I recall my dad saying, "He won't manage all that." My uncle said, "Leave him alone". My peas were almost falling the plate and they got pushed back on - it was also the first time I fell asleep in the afternoon!
This was in 1974, I was only 4 years old.  I also remember standing at Treherbert rail station waiting to go back home.

Added 11 July 2006


Comments & Feedback

I wonder if you'll see this? My family and yours are connected from way back...we called your grandmother Bopa (aunty); she and my grandmother (MaryAnn Evans) were best friends. Your grandad kept pigeons and would make their sounds a lot to make me and my cousin laugh! I wonder if they are your great grandparents actually? Is your dad Allan or is that an uncle? I can remember a couple staying with us on honeymoon in the early 60's. Would be funny if you saw this ........Liz
Hi Liz, this is the first time I logged on in a few years. My grandmother was Annie May who was married to Jim Charles Oram and yes he did keep pigeons. Bopa would be either my great aunt or great great aunt, will have to look that up. My dads name was Albert, Allan is a cousin. He was raised by Annie May and James Charles or Jim he would be known as.

Hope you see this too.


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