Tutbury, Burton Street c.1960
Photo ref: T165304
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A Selection of Memories from Tutbury

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Tutbury

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I grew up in 18 church street until 1955/6, when we moved to 69 Holts Lane it was a brand new house at the time, then in 1962 "I was adopted", and we moved to 47 field avenue Hatton also a brand new house, a new 'name' for me, my granmother Mrs Ada Gent stayed behind in 69 holts lane. It was a great place to grow up in Tutbury, Cowboys hill the Weir fields, Miss brace's pond up ludgate street, Newt racing. And of ...see more
I loved the castle when i was young. I remember in the winter we used to get a tin tray from the cafe and slide down the folly hill in the snow,boy it was bumpy.We played tic off ground and used to slide down the rough on fertiliser bags,if only our parents saw what we used to get up to they would have been grey long before they were.
I was lucky enough to live in the High Street in Tutbury in the 1960s and Tutbury Castle was my playground - we used to spend hours up there climbing on the walls and up the twisting stairs of the towers. One fond memory is one of my friends being dared to walk across the grille covering the well (quite deep, but almost empty) and getting her foot stuck. We had to take her shoe off and almost dropped it down the ...see more