Ulleskelf, The Old Ship Inn c.1960
Photo ref: U20011
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A Selection of Memories from Ulleskelf

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Ulleskelf

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This may seem morbid, but my wife's brother died in infacny, in Ulleskelf. He was born in 1951, and died, tragically, on Boxing Day, 1954. We are desperate to find his burial place, in order that we may visit. His name was Leonard Ainsworth. His father was Basil Ainsworth, who was in the R.A.F., based locally in Church Fenton. Any information would be gratefully received. Col Gill, Derbyshire, Tel: 01773874994//07875752998 e-mail: cgill4@sky.com
Hiya Luke and Liam if your reading this then your probably on the phone to me .coming up at the weekend hope 2 see you then i probably will. ask nana if i can stay there if not ill sleep round hal's. 2005/2006 where the best years of my life at Ulleskelf. I lived with my nana and grandad. Graham and Karolyn Turner. I lived next door to the Ramsden family. Also i lived with my two annoying brothers Luke and Liam Dean. I had ...see more