Nostalgic memories of Barwick's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 16 in total

I do not have that many clear memories from my stay there, I have a defence mechanism of blotting things out from my mind. I do not know exactly when I was there some time between 1974 - 1977. The only name I remember from that time was the Major. Here are some of the less traumatic things I remember which someone may also remember and will be able to narrow down the date. Trip out on HMS Apollo, when we ...see more
Paul Andrews here was at barwick 75 until 80 whe I joined the army at 16 which saved me a extra 2 years of being there
Does anyone remember someone called"Smiler" mid 70s
Hi all that served at Barwick School, ive been on this site since 2015 and keep coming back every now and again and its really good to see some old names that i remember from those days . Please make sure you hunt around as i have just found some more pages with comments from boys that were there but nobody is replying to or posting on ,Have a good hunt around to find more information on that shit hole of a place. Im ...see more
Hi this is Tubby Laird, I was at Barwick house from 13 -16 I ran away twice and started a riot then got expelled. I remember getting the cane on each hand on the arse put in the cooler and cells at 2-3 times a week. Looking back how we got treated was very wrong. Has anybody managed to take legal action and actually got anywhere with it?
Hi, I was also at Barwick back in the days, I remember Robert Mason, my name was Robin or smugger as les Peters called me, I remember the bullying and the bullies when I was there. I lost one of my good friends from there Andrew Holloway he past away. There was some proper messed up kids there... I left early, I got a job and got out. Robert hope you are well mate hope to hear from you
Pete I remember u m8 u was there when I was I spent 6 weeks in the cooler the cells at one go cos I fought the system I'm not letting them scum that dished out the abuse get away we r coming for them for justice through the courts I remember steve from isle of wite the artist me n steve hung around wid taffy bunion n dribble eye wow what a blast from the past keep ur chin up m8 we will get justice I never forgot what went on there
Hello brothers can you remember me Kirby regards to the name susqwatch his name was Darrel Coates I was there 1979 I was transferred from miserly to Barwick with heathcliff Knowles yes it was a hell hole and many a boy suffered also the riots that followed after is anyone on here on the Barwick house site on fb we have got a site where all the boys catch up feel free to check it out and you will be added I'm sure Dennis dungey will confirm that
Hi Steve bilsby I have just signed up and reading all the comments really brought it all back NOT that we could ever forget the abuse we all went through! I was there between 1970- 1976. Do you remember major gray hitting us with the snooker cue? Also our trip to west bay in the old coach with Mr Moody