Nostalgic memories of Kenton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 17 in total

I lived in Elgin Avenue Belmont and went to Priestmead School. I was born in 1934. I have a lot memories about the wartime with all the problems we had. Did you go to of Priestmead school ? Do you remember The Park by the school. John .
The old rest hotel in Kenton always reminds me of the terrific motor cycle accident my uncle Desmond Brennan had coming away from the pub, subsequently had is leg amputated and went into a decline,.
My family moved into the kenton area some sixty years ago, i lived there until i moved to Hayes when i got married Twenty years later and didnt visit until ten years ago when i went by bus to the Hyde ( Edgeware road) i was both shocked, saddened and dismayed by how seedy looking the whole kenton/kingsbury corridor is now and how quickly the whole area has gone downhill in the short time since i moved away.
I was born in 1945 and lived in Kenton between 1948 and 1968. I have lots of memories of Uxendon Manor primary school and Claremont County secondary school and remember quite a few of the teachers. Gooseacre Parade were our nearest shops and memories of them are still quite clear. My younger brother and I used to go to Woodcock Park which was quite close for the swings roundabout and seesaw which I have many happy memories of Vic Hall
I was born in 1941 and lived in Ilmington Road until the age of 7 when we moved down the road to Donnington Road to a house my father (a builder who built a fair amount of Kenton) built during the war. He was told that if someone didn’t move In then it would be repossessed , needless to say we moved in. Our house was backing onto the park and on the corner next to what became St Gregorys School. ...see more
I lived as a child in Kenton between 1949 and 1957, but returned frequently to visit my aunts and uncles who lived there until they died in the mid nineties. I have the fondest memories of playing in Kenton ' rec ' and as a pupil at Priestmead school where there were still air raid shelters in the grounds in the early fifties. I remember Saturday morning pictures at the old Odeon cinema and the toy shop across the road ...see more
I lived in Woodgrange Avenue Kenton from 1953 till 1967 when i got married and moved to Bletchley where we bought our first house. I remember at the bottom of our road and just around the corner was an Ironmonger shop run by Mr and Mrs Larkin. There were no supermarkets then and we bought our household products there. My mother went shopping most days with her wicker trolley, one day for meat and and fish another for tinned ...see more
Hi i used to live in Kenton late 50s and lived at 31 Lidding rd and went to school at Uxedon manor primery school ,love to hear from some of my old mates ,especially from Roy Mowatt best friend .regards S.Warland
I was living in northwick park with my grandmother, making model aeroplanes, running to the shop to buy 20 Du Mariers cigarettes for her. At the Gaumont she would insist I sit in the gallery seats, away from the common boys, I often found myself alone up there, looking down enviously at the boys throwing popcorn around and having a riotous time. Then there was the Essoldo at Kingsbury, I once saw a Tarzon movie ...see more
I was raised in Kenton from 1954 until I left home in 1971. My visits to Kenton up until 2013 were to visit my elderly Dad, who still resided in Woodcock Hill until his death. The changes over the years have been enormous. Mum and Dad actually saw their house being build by 'Costin' and they were finally able to move in, in June 1952 having rented the upstairs of a house in Kenton Road after they first married at ...see more