Wandsworth Tec: School. Garrett Lane

A Memory of Wandsworth.

I was born in Battersea in 1936. Educated at Latchmere School during the blitz (1940/41). I progressed to Surrey Lane School (now William Blake) After 2 years there a lovely teacher, Miss Oliver, must have seen something in me she recommended me for a place at Wandsworth Technical School of Building situated in Garrett Lane, I would cycle the 4+ miles from my home to school, in bad weather I took the No: 44 bus. - We wore maroon blazers, ties and cap, long grey trousers and black shoes. The uniform was compulsory, prefects would stand at the school entrance to enforce the rule. Failure to wear the uniform would result in a visit to the House Master. I was in Gainsborough House, Mr Pettit was the Housemaster, any misbehavior would result in up to six strokes of the cane on the backside. Before applying said punishment Mr Pettit would 'warm up; with a set of Indian clubs. Such discipline would not be allowed these days but apart from a sore backside it did us no harm, indeed it taught us respect - sadly something missing these days! Mr 'Tug' Wilson was the PE Teacher and Mr 'Killer' Clarke taught us maths, he was considered a bit 'posh' he wore a blue suit and drove a car, not many teacher could afford a car in those days.
The course lasted three years. We were taught - brickwork & plastering, painting & decorating, carpentry & joinery, technical drawing plus the usual maths, English, history etc:
I left the school in the summer of 1953. The school got me a job at the Head Office of a large property company. I was paid £2.10 shillings per week less deductions. (£2.50 today) I spent all my working day checking invoices. It didn't take me long to realise counting paper clips for excitement was not for me. As soon as I was old enough I joined the army. Started out as a long haired, cocky, immature, shy kid, the army soon changed all that, I must confess it was for the better.
I have always been grateful for the education I received over those three years in Garrett Lane, it stood me in good stead later in life. I don't know if the old school building is still there?I would be interested to know if anybody remembers it, better still if anybody was a pupil there from 1950-53.
I married in 1959 and we moved away from London, Sadly after 53 years of married bliss my dear wife died. For the past 50 years I have lived in Berkshire but those 'growing up' days in South London from 1936-1959 were an education second to none and never to be forgotten.

Added 19 December 2012


Comments & Feedback

I was born in 1939 so am three years behind you. I also attended the tech' college in Garret Lane, however it was called Wandsworth School ofBuilding. I came from Eltrigham Street School, near Wandsworth Bridge and lived on East Hill Estate, near St Johns Hospital.

I remember "Killer Clark" he took me for Athletics, I became the schools high jump and hurdlers champ and did cross country, not always as willing as he would like.

The arts teacher was was "Red Fryer" being Mr Fryer, he illustrated the communist party newspaper, I used to know the name, not now.

Mr Murray was our bricklaying teacher a rough diamond but a lovely man. I never forgot the skills learnt at the school, they stood me in good stead all my life.

When I left it was recommended that I become a plumber, but I decided to follow a career in Architecture instead and was practice for over fifty years retiring at 74.

The school has been demolished and sheltered housing built on the site, I passed there a few years ago on my way to Tooting Broadway to get Pie and Mash.

Like you I moved away from London living all over England as far North as Newcastle, but finally spending half my life in Wales, this is my retirement place. I sing and play guitar at open mic' nights, two years ago I was invited to open a show at the Cardigan Small World Theatre, magic!

I trust you are well, you can request to be my friend on Facebook, I am Peter Stone.

Best regards.
Hello Peter.
Good to hear from you. It seems Wandsworth Tec: stood us both in good stead for our futures.
I well remember East Hill and St Johns Hospital. I went back there two years ago, took some photos, surprised how many of the old buildings are still there Arding & Hobbs, The Grand, and the Granada (now offices) back row at 2/3d ??
I could go on for ever about Clapham Junction and the area.
I am not on face book but would be happy to send you some of the photos I took via email if you wish. I can be contacted via
Look forward to hearing from you again
Ron Large.
How good to hear of those days at Wandsworth Tech. I left there in 1954. I remember Mr Tug Wilson and Mr "Killer Clark" well. " Killer" also took plumbing. I got his tennis shoe on the butt more than once while climbing the ropes, Mr Murray was the best. I remember building a fireplace in his bricklaying class.I also remember that crazy game, up the wall. One boy with his back to the wall and half a dozen boys bent over in front of him. The other team jumping on their backs trying to collapse their team. So dangerous, looking back. My best friend back then was Barry Elliot from Shepherds Bush. I lived in Venn St, Clapham and took the 37 bus and then the trolley bus along Garrett Lane. Those maroon blazers, ties and caps are stuck in my memory until now. I have lived in the U S A for 24 years now, California and Nevada. South London is so different but those days are still the best. I am John Ilett
I just remembered my House, it was Smeaton. I was if I remember correctly in the tb side.I vaguely remember Mr Pettit and have the feeling he was my first class teacher. I also seem to remember Mr Machin as the headmaster.
I also attended Latchmere school for a while and remember going to Latchmere baths at lunchtime and there used to be an elderly
gentleman who stayed in the foot bath and handed out three penny bits to the kids. I always wondered who he was. This was around 1949 /50
I also attended WS of Building and left Easter 1956 I was in Mr Gutteridge class and I also leant those trades, class 5TA I still have my Mechanics class book (Mr Frank Murray). My last year I took Carpentry and Joinery and the school arranged a interview with E.Pollard & Co based in Clerkenwell I was apprenticed to them for 5 years leaving in 1961 to work as a Joinery Setter-Out for R Cattle Ltd a trade mill.I was also a Setter Out for Gaskell & Chambers (London)Ltd I left them in 1969 to start my own business as a Building contractor,I finished up working as a Clerk of Works for a housing association based in the old Rex Cinema site.I am now retired.What a good start in the industry! those teachers were so good,but it was Mr Tom Pretty that took plumbing and he left in 1954 to go back into Industry, his job was filled by Mr Faust anybody remember him?my daughter married his Grandson Billy who was sadly killed in a fire in London in 2002 ( he was a Fireman)As for Tom I was told by Billy`s father that he was a regular visitor an later got alttziemers and died in the 60s.I lived in a Pre-Fab in Kimber Road, on what was a park,and is now back as one.Those men were paid very little but their job was to train the next generation to re-build the country.If any body does remember me I am on Facebook, Friends reunited please get in touch!Terence Allen
Hi Terence.
Thanks for your comment.
Like you I have some of my old school exercise books and school reports. The two reports I have are for 1950 and 51. They show my form master as Mr E W Gee, House/Set Master Mr A H P Pettitt (how he spelt it) and the Head Master as Mr John Makin.
The class size was 24 pupils. It seems I came first at History, Social and Industrial. But the remainder of my results were pretty average. My worst result being 20th for Geography.
I have had several comments and private emails from pupils over a period covering 1949 - 1960. They all seem to remember the same teachers but remember them teaching different subjects.
I do not contribute to other social networks but if you wish to contact me by email on large_r@sky.com It would be nice to hear from you.
Ron Large
Hello Ron
I also left Wands. Tech. in 1954. Funny how people remember teachers names but do not link them to subjects they can agree on. I do remember getting the 'slipper' like John Ilett and have associated it all these years with Mr Pettit. He took PE as I remember and I got to a fair standard with the high jump with him.
'The slipper' was extremely painful - making me feel physically sick. Thank God that would not be allowed now.
I went into the construction industry and remained in it all my working life, mostly as a Quantity Surveyor.
I remember Mr Lavin as being very tall with a deep voice.
I still feel a lot of affection for the school and believe it got me off to a good start in life.
I was recently talking to a chap at a chess conference in Torquay and to my amazement he said he attended Wandsworth Tech. many many years ago. His name is Reg Cox.
All the very best.
Mike Ingram
So far no one has mentioned "Joe Young"(circa1955/56) who tried to teach English to the rabble that I belonged to members included Dave Collman,
"Lefty Upfold" Ernie Dunmill,Keith Mills,"Bogs" Emery,Andy Anderson (great cross country runner) Joe Young made us believe that he had a recording device which he said was activated when he switched the classroom light as he left the room !!!Funny nobody believed him.There seemed to be a fashion in corporal punishment at the school Mr Pettitt used a plimsole MrChambers used a bunsen hose and the worst was the copper rod by th plumbing teacher
and not forgetting Mr Raffold (English)who used the "book and chalk"He'd bend you over a desk chalk a cross on your backside and wack it continuously
until the chalk disappeared.!!This all said most of the class turned out ok and some of us are still around.They used to say they were the happiest days of your life. And they were.
Jim Phillips 1e 2e 3o Then off to Wandsworth School Sutherland Gove we went,and that's another story

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