Warsash, Cross Roads c.1965
Photo ref: W485114
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More about this scene

Warsash is situated near Hamble and Park Gate. Straight ahead is the clock tower; this was a water tower supplying Warsash House, which King Edward VII used to visit when he was Prince of Wales. Prior to the Second World War the house was pulled down and replaced with modern houses. An electric clock was installed in 1945. On the right hand side is the premises of E G Fox & Son (Everard Gerald Fox), an off licence.

A Selection of Memories from Warsash

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Anyone out there remember any names from that time. Most of the girls must have changed theirs. My name was beryl swathe ridge .
My earliest memories of Warsash was when I was 15 years old and being driven from Southampton, by my father, to look at a factory he had recently bought on Warsash Road. The 'factory' turned out to be an old motorcycle workshop previously owned by a Vic Collins, a local celebraty at the time. Vic was a speedway star of the 1940s and 50s. My father decided to relocate his plastics and paint works ...see more
I grew up in Warsash (Fleet End) in the 1950s and a friend of mine lived in one of the cottages shown. His aunt produced hand-painted watercolour postcards, one of which I possess. It was obviously painted from this photograph, as it shows in almost every respect an identical view. The only things different are the omission of the roof and chimney of the Royal Thames Yacht Club house and the telegraph pole on ...see more