Bluebell Woods

A Memory of Wednesbury.

i well remember ,as a 12 year old lad the woods and football pitch on
friar park estate wednesbury.i came home one saturday afternoon
to find our back garden full of football players from both sides
drinking tea.
it turned out that my uncle jeff was playing that day and my mom
and dad invited him in for a cup of tea after the game.
when the players got to know they all followed.
i still am not sure where all the cups came from ,but we had good

now in 20007 the pitches and woods no longer exist,in their place
a school has been built albeit for the good of friar park.
in friar park road there used to be a large pub called the coranation
or cora to the locals,my family used it frequently over the years
and my uncle bert could be found in the bar most days with his mates.
alas it has now gone and a suppermarket has been built in its place,

Added 29 November 2007


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