Welton, The Village c.1955
Photo ref: W477009
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A Selection of Memories from Welton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Welton

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My mother was Irene Harrison who was raised by her aunt Eve Forster in the cottage to the left of the White Horse, her uncles (possibly older cousins) Tom and Bill Harrison ran the blacksmiths on the village green and delivered milk from Church? Farm, it came up the hill in a churn on a handcart and was ladled into billy cans hanging on the pub railings, it was my job to hang out and collect the billy can. I can remember ...see more
I remember going to Welton, with my mother and father, on their motorbike & sidecar, to pick damsons, to make jam, at a Robbins relative that lived in Welton. As far as I have been able to learn, Robbins lived and farmed in Welton since the seventeenth century. I would love to find the house where I went those many years ago. Jeff Robbins Oakville, Ontario, Canada
My name is Amy Welton. I live in WV, USA. My family as far as I can tell came from this place. The name may have been de Whelton originally. My direct ancestor is John Welton who came to this country in the early 1700s. Any information anyone has concerning the history of either the family or the place Welton would be greatly appreciated.
I remember Paul Cooper, I used to stand at bus stop with him, he had younger siblings Kym and ?????. Nigel Saunders