C&A And Henry Cooper
A Memory of Wembley.
On the right opposite Dixons Cameras was C&A. I think Henry Cooper's greengrocers shop was somewhere here too - does anybody remember? Used to see him in the shop Saturday mornings.
29 November 2014
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I can't believe how much I don't remember considering I spent the first 24 years of my life in the Wembley area (1957-1981). Thanks for the correction about the location of Henry's shop - would that be where Ellis Estate Agents is now then?
The Wimpy Bar was a few doors down from there on Ealing Rd.
Also remember the underground market in Lancelot Road (would have been about where there is a new building next to "Pamir Barbers"?) Martin Fords boutique used to be next to the pub (on the corner of Ealing Rd) where "Lucky Slots" is now. The other side of the pub in Ealing Rd there was a fabric shop - think upstairs is where they sent the money off in the tube (to the accounts dept?) - or was that in Killips?
Is HSBC where Killips used to be?
Can't believe Blands (my Mother worked there on Saturdays at one time) and the uniform shop - Rumbles - was it always called that? are still there.
What else? On the run of shops between Subway and the Halifax used to be a record shop (in the 70s) and up towards the triangle used to be a cinema (maybe where "Valiant House" is now ?) Anyway, next to the cinema was the Dr Scholl's sandals shop - very important fashion item were Dr Scholl's. Re the square: did Boots used to be in there? and there was a shop that, if it wasn't Habitat, was something like it, also another boutique "Lady M" (on the ground floor of an office block, maybe).
Killips was on both sides of the junction with Lancelot road. On the west side it was on a site about the size of HSBC, on the other side it went as far as the end of William Hill. They had an interesting cash handling machine (mentioned above) which used air, or vacuum, propelled capsules which ran through a network of pipes to and from the cash office. The network ran under Lancelot road so all sales points were served, on all floors - it was an extensive shop. When you paid for something your money went off in the capsule and change and receipt would come back a minute or so later.
Rumbles was there in the sixties under the same name. I seem to remember the name had been changed in the early sixties but can't remember the details.
The record shop was originally called Soho records.
Boots was between the west entrance to the station and the steps down to station grove. On the corner of the steps was the WVS, and as far as I recall Boots was next door, and on the opposite corner was Garners.
The Majestic Cinema, which had become the Odeon was demolished to make way for C&A sometime in the early/mid 60's, opposite Park Lane. On the corner of Cecil avenue was the Gaumont Cinema, which morphed into the Odeon after the Odeon had disappeared.