Simpsons Of Wembley

A Memory of Wembley.

My father and uncle were Simpsons of Wembley.They sold American Cars to all sorts of celebrities(And Gangsters!!)from the 50's to the 70's We lived on the Barn Hill Estate in Wembley Park.My father knew,due to his business most of the people who had businesses in Wembley,Henry Cooper,who was my Uncles neighbour used to give us tickets to all the boxing matches and would bring all the fighters to meet us when they fought at Wembley.Also most of the pop stars of the day knew of us and would call in when playing the Empire pool.I cot my first pair of Basketball Trainers(Converse)from Wally Kiliminsters at the triangle and was often in there as a child.Bonfire night my dad would go round and buy up all the left over fireworks and invite all the local orphanages and childrens homes to a huge bonfire party at the back of our car lot.This had to stop when we sold half the lot to the council for what was to become Brent house,the other half of the kot was to become the beacon of the Simpsons Garages,which was the forerunner of todays car showrooms,sadly it was pulled down recently.I have many more happy memories of Wembley.Gary Simpson

Added 03 January 2015


Comments & Feedback

Hi Gary
I worked out of the Wembley showroom, late sixties and a short period 72/73. I remember Mr John well and sold a number of Mustangs whilst I was there. Your comments bring back good memories. Bill Bailey was Sales manager and during the later time my college was Neil Garrough (incorrect spelling).
Regard Mervyn Wright
Hi Mervyn I worked in 71-73 as well for my uncle I ran the bike shop over the road and alsodrove the salesman for the Skoda side
I built the custom Harley that was on disply whilst my cousin Phil had the Holden Pick up
Hi Gary.
I left, circa March 1973 and the kit is not know to me.
I would be interested to know what became of some of the people I remember. I am led understand the showroom closed circa 1977.
Terry Reeves GM?
Sam Massum Office Manager? Who lived in Wembley
Salesman Neil, we got into a bit of mischief before I left.
Chap who worked with Mr John and Terry Reeves, ex Lincoln Cars, drove the Skoda rally car and tutored me the ways of driving a two and three speed auto.
Gary do you have a sister called sharon? Went to southlands school for girls harrow on the hill? If yes im an old school friend of sharon i remember the den at your fathers house if im right. Could you ask her to contact me a reunion is going to be in central london 24 october this year. Details on facebook under the name of our school southlands
Hi yes sharon is my sister
have you a phone number
Good afternoon,

May I introduce myself as Christie "nee Simpson" eldest daughter of the late J W Simpson. Many of my childhood holidays were spent accompanying my father to the Simpson empire and I am quiet disgusted that the word "Gangsters" be the opening gambit to my deceased fathers obituary and wonder that the author of such abusive assumptions might regard this as disrespectful as I, and therefore remove the flippant comment.

I would be more than happy to acquaint with anyone that shared the admiration for my father or worked for him. I encourage those persons close to my father to please do feel free to contact me.

However i must stress that Simpsons of Wembley was not a den frequented by the unsavoury element described as above and as a family so close to our father we condemn such comments.

however we do encourage anyone who has a positive comment to please share it and immortalise the memory of such a wonderful man.

The Simpson Dynasty has so many wonderful and some quiet unbelievable stories i wish i had time to share the whole picture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Afternoon Christie.

Love to swop stories, Mervyn Wright.
Hi Gary,
Did you by any chance live in Grendon Gardens? I'm pretty sure I used to play with you and a few other kids from the road when we were very young. I think you were a bit younger than me. I lived more towards the Corringham end of the road.
Yes I remember you we lived at 29the James-crooks lived at number 35 and the Glichers,julian and Martin lived opposite
Yes I remember you we lived at 29the James-crooks lived at number 35 and the Glichers,julian and Martin lived opposite
I worked on the forecourt of Simpsons between 1968/69. I would never say a bad word about my time there. I remember some of the names mentioned and I have looked at the google images of Simpsons of Wembley. The first picture is of the forecourt and the man in the beret is I believe Harry Massum, brother of Sam. One other thing I noticed is that all the lights are on in the offices upstairs. Even then I thought that this was wasteful.
John Greenhalgh
Harry,John and Charlie Simpson were my uncles.My dad and his brother worked at the Wembley site 1956 to 1961.I used to go to work with my dad weekends at the car site.I loved sitting in the American cars there.My aunt Bessie Simpson live not far from the site.
Remember the pick up painted stars an stripes?
Hi Christie,My farther was was related to Jimmy Simpson and his brothers Harry,John,and Charlie.Dad ran Bridge Garage in Chadwell Heath Essex back in the 60,s.I have some photo,s of Jimmy when we went on holiday to Italy together.I also have photo of Harry an John with my dad on the Wembley car site in 1958.Regards Martin.
built by Phil Simpson my cousin and I built the side valve Harley painted to match,we took many trophies at custom car show of the time
I was at Barham School between 1960 and 1965 and one of my class mates was Keith Michaels who, as I recall, claimed (incorrectly it appears) that his father owned Simpsons. I do remember him being driven to school in American limos or similar. In those days, nearly all of us walked to school.
Stefan Szulc
Hi Gary, I wonder if you remember me from 10 Barn Rise back in 1960s? My name is Paul and I would sometimes play with you and your sister Sharon. I also remember a Jonny Ingram who also lived down your road (Grendon Gardens). My father “Larry Smith” was also involved in the car trade and at one stage had a showroom in Preston Road (on the parade near the synagogue) and also a workshop in Watkin Road (in the Stadium grounds). I can remember you had a house keeper back in the day and I recall being introduced to HP source in your “Den” when you had steak and chips for dinner one day. I helped you eat it! The things that spring to mind eh!
Hi Gary - it's me, Martin Glicher from 24 Grendon Gardens. You lived across the street at number 29. You were my best friend for many years. Remember Nicholas Tenant up the street, and James & Neil Crook? We all used to play football at Barn Hill Park. How are you and your sister Sharon? I remember your parents well. I even bought a Skoda from you many years ago! What are you doing now? I live in Las Vegas and would love to hear from you. I have so many great memories of our time together in the 50's and 60's. Please contact me at:
Hi there I worked at Simpsons from 1969 to 1974.It was such a memorable happy time.
I was cleaner/driver delivered the big American cars all over the country. I remember Carol in workshop who we still see. Neil Garrock many others I do remember Phillip Simpson...... Regards to all who worked there. Geoff Pearce
Hi I rented part of Larry’s workshop in Watkin road late 60s early 70s

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